Vanillah, a celebrated Tanzanian Bongo Fleva artist renowned for her exceptional singing and songwriting talents under the Kings Music Record Label, presents the empowering track “NAJIKUBALI“. Featuring the dynamic voices of Tommy Flavour and Chino Kidd, this Afro-pop masterpiece bursts with energy, celebrating self-love, confidence, and resilience.
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“Najikubali“ blends infectious beats, smooth melodies, and inspiring lyrics to deliver a powerful message: embrace your unique qualities, stand tall in the face of challenges, and believe in your abilities.
Watch “Vanillah – Najikubali Ft Tommy Flavour X Chino Kidd” below;
VIDEO: Vanillah – Najikubali Ft Tommy Flavour X Chino Kidd
Also, check out more from Vanillah;