“Tuishi Katika Upendo” is a deeply moving and spiritually uplifting gospel song performed by Kwaya Ya Mt. Cesilia Parokia Ya Mang’ola Chini Karatu, a choir from the Mang’ola Catholic Parish in the Karatu District of Tanzania.
RELATED: Kwaya Ya Mt Cecilia Bomang’ombe Hai Mjini Ft Lawrence Kameja – Nina Haja Nawe Salome Dm
As part of the Catholic tradition in Tanzania, the choir from Parokia Ya Mang’ola Chini Karatu carries the deep sense of communal worship and devotion that is characteristic of many church choirs in East Africa.
listen to, “Kwaya Ya Mt. Cesilia Parokia Ya Mang’ola Chini Karatu – Tuishi Katika Upendo” below;
AUDIO Kwaya Ya Mt. Cesilia Parokia Ya Mang’ola Chini Karatu – Tuishi Katika Upendo MP3 DOWNLOAD
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