The Zabron Singers, a renowned evangelism group hailing from Kahama, Tanzania, have been steadfast in their mission to spread the gospel through music since their formation in 2006. Their impactful ministry has touched countless lives, leading to the baptism of over 6,000 individuals by 2015—a testament to their dedication and faith.
RELATED: Zabron Singers – Inaniuma Sana
Their latest release, “Akida,” is a powerful song of faith and trust in God. Inspired by the biblical story of the centurion who told Jesus, “Just say the word,” this track is a heartfelt reminder of unwavering belief and the transformative power of God’s word.
Listen to “Zabron Singers – Akida” below;
AUDIO Zabron Singers – Akida MP3 DOWNLOAD
Also, check more tracks from Zabron Singers;