Babu Gee Omosayansi, popularly known as Babu Gee, is a Kenyan musician celebrated for his unique style blending Kapuka and Boomba genres. Hailing from Kisii County, Kenya, Babu Gee has carved out a niche with his distinctive voice and catchy lyrics that resonate with fans across East Africa. He has released a song titled Eburu.
RELATED: Babu Gee Omosayansi X Mr. Ong’eng’o Entururu – Ebinto Biaonchokire
Babu Gee Omosayansi and Omochokoro Okiko’s song Eburu is a vibrant Kisii cultural tune blending traditional rhythms with modern beats. It celebrates heritage, storytelling, and the spirit of community.
Listen to “Babu Gee Omosayansi × Omochokoro Okiko – Eburu” below;
AUDIO Babu Gee Omosayansi × Omochokoro Okiko – Eburu MP3 DOWNLOAD
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