Ali Saleh Kiba, famously known as Alikiba or King Kiba, continues to reign as one of the pioneers and icons of the Bongo Flava genre. His latest release, “Naugua“, is a stunning collaboration with the immensely talented Nandy, known for her captivating voice, remarkable songwriting, and acting prowess.
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This heartfelt duet brings together the unique artistry of Alikiba and Nandy, blending their soulful vocals to create a mesmerizing track. “Naugua“ is a testament to the power of love and emotion, wrapped in a melodic fusion that highlights the best of Tanzanian music.
Listen to “Alikiba – Naugua Ft. Nandy” below;
AUDIO Alikiba – Naugua Ft. Nandy MP3 DOWNLOAD
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