Yohana Antony, a renowned gospel artist hailing from Tanzania, is recognized for his unwavering commitment to crafting music that deeply connects with his listeners’ spiritual and everyday experiences. He is returning with his latest release, WANAKUFA MAPEMA. Enjoy!
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“Yohana Antony – WANAKUFA MAPEMA” is a poignant Swahili gospel song that addresses the fleeting nature of life and the importance of spiritual preparedness. Released on February 24, 2024, and produced by G-Swagg of Sajna Records, the song urges listeners to reflect on the brevity of life and the need to prioritize spiritual growth and readiness for eternity. Its soulful melody and reflective lyrics make it a heartfelt reminder of the fragility of life and the eternal hope found in faith, resonating deeply with its audience.
Listen to, “Yohana Antony – WANAKUFA MAPEMA” below;
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