What happened to Will Rodman in ‘Planet Of The Apes?’

What happened to Will Rodman in 'Planet Of The Apes?'

If you’re following the reboot of the Planet of the Apes series, you might be curious about the fate of Will Rodman. At the end of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Will is still alive, but he doesn’t appear in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. So, what happens to Will between the films? Does he meet an untimely end, or is there a more positive conclusion to his story?

What happened to Will Rodman in ‘Planet Of The Apes?’

While Will’s fate after Rise of the Planet of the Apes isn’t explicitly stated, likely, he didn’t survive. The Simian Flu (ALZ-113) killed about 90% of humanity between Rise and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, so Will had only a 1 in 10 chance of surviving the outbreak.

Even if Will was immune to the Simian Flu, his chances of survival were slim. Without combat skills or survival training, he likely struggled in the post-apocalyptic chaos, including riots, violence, and civil war. The collapse of government services and widespread danger made survival even more difficult.

In Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Caesar visits Will’s house and reflects on their past, but there’s no mention of Will’s current status. This suggests that Caesar might know Will’s fate and chooses not to speak about it, implying Will likely didn’t survive.

Will’s Personality

Will was a kind and desperate man, juggling his responsibilities as the primary caregiver for his father, who had Alzheimer’s, with his demanding job. After adopting Caesar, he became a single parent, showing his protective and paternal side. He was selfless, always putting the well-being of Caesar and his father, Charles, before his own needs.

Initially the star at Gen-Sys, Will’s status declined when he started missing work to care for Caesar and his father after the nurse quit. He dedicated himself to ensuring ALZ-112 worked, sacrificing his career for his family and his research.

How did “Planet Of The Apes” come to rise?

For almost six years at Gen-Sys, Will worked on an experimental drug, ALZ-112, a gene therapy to help his father, Charles Rodman, who had Alzheimer’s disease. One day, Will witnessed Chimp #9, a test subject, completing the Lucas tower puzzle in just twenty moves, proving the drug’s effectiveness. Excited, Will presented his findings to his superior, Steven Jacobs, who reluctantly agreed to propose human trials to the board.

During the presentation, Chimp #9 suddenly burst into the room in a violent frenzy and was shot dead by security, leading the board to reject the proposal and lock away ALZ-112. Confronting Jacobs, Will was told to assist in cleaning up and start over on the project.

In the lab, Will discovered that Chimp #9 had a baby, which Franklin asked him to look after temporarily. Will initially refused, but later decided to sneak the baby out of Gen-Sys. At home, he introduced the baby chimp to his delighted father. Over time, Will grew attached to the chimp, realizing it might have the ALZ-112 in its DNA.

In Dawn of the Planet of the Apes:

Will is mentioned multiple times but does not appear physically. He is shown in a flashback from Koba’s perspective, recalling when Will and his team experimented with ALZ-113 on Koba. Caesar also reflects on what Will and Caroline might be doing now that he is no longer part of their lives.

After Will’s Death

Years after Will’s apparent death, Caesar’s eldest son, Blue Eyes, visits the Rodman residence. While tending to his injured father, Blue Eyes discovers a photo of Will and Caesar together. This reveals to him that Caesar was raised by humans, explaining his compassion and sympathy for them. Blue Eyes then sees Will as a grandfather figure, acknowledging Will’s role in raising Caesar from infancy to adulthood.

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