R2bees, the renowned Ghanaian hip-hop and hiplife duo comprising of two cousins, Faisal Hakeem, and Rashid Mugeez, have made a compelling comeback with their latest hit track titled “Life (Walaahi).“
RELATED: R2Bees – Over (Prod. Killbeatz)
“Life (Walaahi)” by R2Bees is a deeply resonant song from their project, delivering a powerful message about life’s struggles and the importance of resilience. The track, produced by Killbeatz, was a significant release from their “Revolution 2” album in 2012. It features the duo’s trademark blend of smooth vocals and evocative lyrics.
Listen to, “R2Bees – Life (Walaahi)” below;
AUDIO R2Bees – Life (Walaahi) MP3 DOWNLOAD
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