Shatta Bongo, a renowned African underground producer, sound engineer, and music artist known for his work with both emerging talents and superstars, has released a new music track titled “Konkonsa.” Enjoy!
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“Konkonsa” by Shatta Bongo is a vibrant track that explores the themes of gossip and rumors within communities. Released in 2023, the song is produced by the renowned music producer, Kofi Mix. It delves into the impact of idle talk on relationships and personal reputation, highlighting how destructive words can be when spread without thought. The song’s upbeat rhythm and catchy hooks cleverly juxtapose the serious message about the toxicity of rumors, making it both a reflective piece and a danceable hit. Through “Konkonsa,” Shatta Bongo encourages listeners to rise above petty talk and focus on positivity and truth.
listen to ” Shatta Bongo – Konkonsa” below
AUDIO Shatta Bongo – Konkonsa MP3 DOWNLOAD
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