Mutoriah, the talented Kenyan afro-eclectic-pop artist known for his remarkable abilities as a producer, instrumentalist, and performer, has made a comeback with a new track titled “Tosheka” Ft Bensoul. Enjoy!
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“Tosheka” is a captivating single by Mutoriah featuring Bensoul, released in 2020. The song is produced by Mutoriah himself and showcases a blend of Afro-pop elements. The collaboration brings together Mutoriah’s vibrant production style with Bensoul’s soulful vocals, creating an engaging listening experience. The lyrics of “Tosheka” explore themes of love and resilience, urging listeners to find contentment and fulfillment in their relationships despite external chatter and opinions.
listen to ” Mutoriah Ft Bensoul – Tosheka” below
AUDIO Mutoriah Ft Bensoul – Tosheka MP3 DOWNLOAD
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