Eric Msodoki, popularly known as Msodoki Young Killer, is a renowned Tanzanian rapper and songwriter who rose to fame in 2013 following the release of his hit single “Dear Gambe“.
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This breakthrough track significantly boosted his career, paving the way for numerous awards including Best Upcoming Artist in Tanzania. He now returns with a fresh track titled “Msukuma Mjanja”.
“Msukuma Mjanja” is a song where Msodoki Young Killer takes pride in his Sukuma heritage. He challenges the common stereotype that Sukuma people are unsophisticated (“washamba”), by asserting himself as a ‘Msukuma‘ who is not only smart but also streetwise.
Listen to “Msodoki Young Killer – Msukuma Mjanja” below;
AUDIO Msodoki Young Killer – Msukuma Mjanja MP3 DOWNLOAD
Also, check more tracks from Young Killer Msodoki;