“Nusu Nusu” by Joh Makini is a significant track in the Tanzanian music scene that showcases his prowess as a hip-hop artist. Born John Simon Mseke on March 27, 1980
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Joh Makini has become one of Tanzania’s most celebrated rappers. He is known for his contributions to the hip-hop genre and Afropop through his work as a rapper, songwriter, and composer. Makini’s career took off after his hit song “Chochote Popote” in 2006, and he has been active in the music industry since 2004. He is also a member of the Tanzanian hip-hop group Weusi and the founder and CEO of Makini Music.
listen to “Joh Makini – Nusu Nusu ” below
AUDIO Joh Makini – Nusu Nusu MP3 DOWNLOAD
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