Ally Killy Omary, widely recognized by his stage moniker Killy, stands as a prominent figure in the Tanzanian music scene, renowned for his talents as a musician, singer, and songwriter. Formerly associated with the esteemed Konde Music Worldwide label led by Harmonize, Killy has forged his path in the industry. His latest endeavor comes in the form of a captivating video song titled “Bado,” showcasing his continued evolution as an artist.
RELATED: Killy Ft Alikiba – Gubu (Prod. Mocco)
The essence of “BADO,” meaning “not yet” in Swahili, unfolds a poignant narrative through its lyrics. The song tells the story of a man deeply smitten by a woman who resides in the same neighborhood. Despite his meager means, living on less than a dollar a day, he persistently pursues her affection.
Watch, “Killy – Bado” below;
Also, check more tracks from Harmonize;