“Kanyaga Pole Pole” is a vibrant and captivating song by the St. Clare Choir that effortlessly merges traditional African rhythms with contemporary gospel elements. Released as part of the choir’s repertoire, this uplifting track resonates with listeners through its infectious beats, heartfelt vocals, and uplifting message.
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The lyrics of “Kanyaga Pole Pole” encourage listeners to remain steadfast in their faith and to trust in the process, even when faced with challenges or obstacles along the way. The repetitive refrain of “kanyaga pole pole” serves as a reminder to take each step deliberately and with patience, knowing that progress is achieved through perseverance and determination.
Listen to, “St. Clare Choir – Kanyaga Pole Pole” below;
AUDIO St. Clare Choir – Kanyaga Pole Pole MP3 DOWNLOAD
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