“Kabariang” is a captivating track by the Kenyan Gengeton/rap group Mbogi Genje, featuring Rudra Kartel and Shyboy. Enjoy!
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Released on June 29, 2020, under the production of 32 Empire and produced by James ElShado, the song is a unique blend of sheng language, depicting themes of street life, resilience, and camaraderie. The title “Kabariang” or “Kabaridi” in Sheng slang translates to a cold war or situations handled under the radar, fitting the song’s gritty and raw narrative that resonates with the streets of Nairobi, especially Dandora where the video was shot.
listen to “Mbogi Genje x Rudra x Shyboy – Kabariang ” below
AUDIO Mbogi Genje x Rudra x Shyboy – Kabariang MP3 DOWNLOAD
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