“Nakupenda Yesu Mwokozi” is a deeply moving Swahili worship song performed by Kwaya ya Mt. John Bosco, based in Mkwajuni, Songwe. The title translates to “I Love You Jesus My Savior” in English, reflecting the song’s central theme of love and devotion towards Jesus Christ. Composed by Valerius Fungameza, this song is a beautiful expression of faith and a personal declaration of love towards the Savior, emphasizing the intimate relationship between the believer and Christ.
RELATED: Kwaya ya Mt. Augustino Chamazi – Bwana Mkubwa
Listen to, “Kwaya ya Mt. John Bosco Mkwajuni Songwe – Nakupenda Yesu Mwokozi” below;
AUDIO Kwaya ya Mt. John Bosco Mkwajuni Songwe – Nakupenda Yesu Mwokozi MP3 DOWNLOAD
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