“Ngoo Yakwa” by Hellenah Ken is a profound gospel song that delves deep into themes of gratitude, remembrance, and praise to God. Released in 2014, this song is part of the album of the same name, featuring tracks that emphasize spiritual devotion and the importance of recognizing God’s hand in one’s life.
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The lyrics of “Ngoo Yakwa” convey a heartfelt plea for the heart to give all praises to God, acknowledging His deeds, guidance, and protection through various life challenges, including mountains, rivers, and wars. The song encourages listeners to remember the goodness and great things God has done for them, highlighting God’s role as a protector and provider, even in the face of enemies and adversity.
listen to ” Hellenah Ken – Ngoo Yakwa” below
AUDIO Hellenah Ken – Ngoo Yakwa MP3 DOWNLOAD
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