“Kama ni Gangstar” is a vibrant track that features the collaborative efforts of Tanzanian artists Chege, Temba, and Ferooz. Released in 2015, this song falls under the genre of Bongo Flava, a popular music genre originating from Tanzania that blends traditional Tanzanian music with influences from various international genres, particularly hip hop and R&B. “Kama ni Gangstar” embodies the energetic and rhythmic beats characteristic of Bongo Flava, making it a hit among fans of Tanzanian music.
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Chege and Temba, often working together, have a history of producing hits that resonate with the Tanzanian audience and beyond. The inclusion of Ferooz, known for his contributions to the Bongo Flava scene, adds a distinctive touch to the song, enhancing its appeal.
Listen to, “Chege Ft Temba X Ferooz – Kama ni Gangstar” below;
AUDIO Chege Ft Temba X Ferooz – Kama ni Gangstar MP3 DOWNLOAD
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