The Kenyan trio known as Mbuzi Gang, consisting of the highly skilled artists Joefes, iPhoolish, and Fathermoh, and affiliated with Black Market Records, has made an exciting comeback with their newest release, titled “Zoza.”
RELATED: Mbuzi Gang – Soko Ft Vic West X Harry Craze X Unspoken Salaton
“Zoza” by Mbuzi Gang featuring Navio and Vic West is a sensational collaboration that has taken the music scene by storm. This track combines the unique talents of Mbuzi Gang, a Kenyan trio renowned for their lyrical prowess, and the Ugandan rap icon Navio, along with the versatile artist Vic West.
Together, they have created a musical masterpiece that transcends borders and genres.
Listen to, “Mbuzi Gang Ft Navio X Vic West – Zoza” below;
AUDIO Mbuzi Gang Ft Navio X Vic West – Zoza MP3 DOWNLOAD
Also, check more tracks from Vic West;