Daudi Kabaka, a legendary figure in the realm of Kenyan music, made an indelible mark through his work in the Benga genre, which is intrinsically linked to the cultural fabric of East Africa. Among his vast array of musical accomplishments, the track “Pole Musa” shines brightly, serving as a shining example of Kabaka’s musical prowess and creative brilliance
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This song, released in 1982, remains relevant, reflecting on issues of domestic violence and the complexities surrounding victim-perpetrator dynamics. Kabaka’s work not only entertains but also educates, making ‘Pole Musa‘ a masterpiece that resonates with many, serving as a reminder of the enduring struggle against intimate partner violence (IPV).
Listen,”Daudi Kabaka – Pole Musa” Below;
AUDIO Daudi Kabaka – Pole Musa MP3 DOWNLOAD
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