“The Ben – Kola” is a captivating track by the US-based Rwandan recording artist Benjamin Mugisha, popularly known by his stage name, The Ben. The song was expertly produced by Element ELeéeH and released three years ago. “Kola” has been a significant hit, showcasing The Ben’s unique style and vocal prowess. The song’s lyrics are a blend of Kinyarwanda, English, and a few words in French, offering a rich cultural mix that has appealed to a wide audience. The title “Kola” translates to “Touch” in English, indicating a sensual or intimate connection, as reflected in the song’s chorus and verses that emphasize closeness and affection.
RELATED: The Ben – Thank You ft. Tom Close
US-based Rwandan recording artist, Benjamin Mugisha, mostly known by his stage name, The Ben is back with a brand new banger titled Kola, Produced by Element ELeéeH.
listen to “The Ben – Kola ” below
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