“Beautiful Feeling” is a captivating track by Rin Marii featuring Joh Makini, blending Afro-pop and Bongo Flava genres to create a melodious and rhythmic masterpiece that resonates with listeners. Released on August 26, 2019, the song is celebrated for its catchy beat, engaging melodies, and relatable lyrics that delve into the theme of love and the euphoric sensation it brings.
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Rin Marii’s soothing vocals perfectly complement Joh Makini’s smooth rap flow, showcasing their vocal range and ability to deliver emotionally charged lyrics with a top-notch production that balances the instrumental and vocal arrangements seamlessly.
Listen to, “Rin Marii Ft Joh Makini – Beautiful Feeling” below;
AUDIO Rin Marii Ft Joh Makini – Beautiful Feeling MP3 DOWNLOAD
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