“Gutamiiza” is a vibrant collaboration between the acclaimed Ugandan duo Radio & Weasel and the B2C (Born to Conquer) singers, released in 2017. This track is a beautiful fusion of Afro-beat and dancehall, showcasing the immense talent of both groups.
RELATED: Radio & Weasel – Ntunga
The song’s title, “Gutamiiza,” translates to being drunk or intoxicated, metaphorically used here to describe the intoxicating effect of love. The lyrics convey a message of adoration and the overwhelming feelings that come with deep affection, comparing love’s beauty to that of being inebriated.
Listen to, “Radio & Weasel – Gutamiiza Ft B2C” below;
AUDIO Radio & Weasel – Gutamiiza Ft B2C MP3 DOWNLOAD
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