“Long Time” is a musical collaboration that brings together the talents of Maulana & Reign and Bettina Namukasa, offering a rich blend of styles that has resonated with many fans. The song is a testament to the versatility of Ugandan music, weaving together lyrical themes of love, longing, and the complexities of relationships against the backdrop of quarantine times. The lyrics capture the essence of longing for close connections during times of separation, highlighting the universal human experience of missing loved ones.
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Welcome back to citimuzik, Today is a brand new day and we present to you a brand new song titled Long Time by Maulana & Reign Ft Bettina Namukasa. Enjoy!
listen to ” Maulana & Reign – Long Time Ft Bettina Namukasa” below
AUDIO Maulana & Reign – Long Time Ft Bettina Namukasa MP3 DOWNLOAD
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