“Mawe” is a collaborative track by Chaba featuring Daz Naledge, highlighted for its engaging lyrics and dynamic production by Daz Naledge himself at Dab Muzik Records. The song, which stands out for its unique blend of talents, showcases the artistic chemistry between the two artists. It’s part of the music scene’s vibrant landscape, bringing together the lyrical prowess of Chaba and Daz Naledge’s production skills to create a memorable track that resonates with listeners.
RELATED: Chaba Ft. G Nako – Chumu Chumu
This new Track titled Mawe was written by Chaba 009 & Daz Naledge, and has been produced by Daz Naledge in Dab Muzik Records.
listen to “Chaba Ft Daz Naledge – Mawe ” below
AUDIO Chaba Ft Daz Naledge – Mawe MP3 DOWNLOAD
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