Hitler’s Wife: Remembering Eva Braun

Hitler's Wife

Eva Braun, often a shadowy figure in the annals of history, was Adolf Hitler’s long-time companion and briefly his wife. Born in Munich, she entered Hitler’s life as a young woman and remained with him until their joint suicide. Her story is one of personal tragedy, set against the backdrop of one of the darkest periods in history.

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Who was Hitler’s Wife?

Eva Braun, born on February 6, 1912, in Munich, Germany, emerged from a middle-class Catholic family. She met Adolf Hitler when she was just 17 years old while working in Heinrich Hoffmann’s photography studio, where Hitler was a frequent visitor. Over time, she became his mistress, a relationship that lasted over a decade until their marriage and subsequent death in 1945​​​​.

How Old was Hitler’s Wife?

Eva Braun was 33 years old at her death in 1945. She spent more than half her life in close association with Hitler, having met him when she was a teenager and remaining with him through the tumultuous years of World War II until their joint suicide​​.


Eva Braun’s education included time at a Catholic lyceum in Munich, followed by a year at a business school at the Convent of the English Sisters in Simbach am Inn. Her education was typical for a young woman of her background in Germany at the time​​.


Braun’s career began as a shop assistant and sales clerk at Heinrich Hoffmann’s photography studio. She quickly learned photography skills and was later employed as a photographer, a position that eventually brought her into close contact with the upper echelons of the Nazi Party​​.

Hitler’s Wife: A Complicated Relationship

Eva Braun’s relationship with Hitler was complex and largely hidden from the public eye. She attempted suicide twice, possibly as cries for attention from Hitler. Despite the secrecy and the emotional tumult, Braun remained deeply loyal to Hitler until their deaths​​​​.

How Did They Meet?

Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler first met in 1929 at Heinrich Hoffmann’s photography studio in Munich. Braun, then a young employee at the studio, was introduced to Hitler, who was significantly her senior. This meeting marked the beginning of a relationship that would last until their deaths​​.

When Did They Get Married?

Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler were married on April 29, 1945, as the Third Reich collapsed around them. Their marriage lasted less than 48 hours, ending with their suicides in the Führerbunker in Berlin​​.

Do They Have Kids?

There is no historical record or evidence of Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler having any children. Their relationship, though long-lasting, remained childless.

How Long Were They Married?

Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler’s marriage was short-lived, lasting less than two days. They married as the Allies closed in on Berlin, and their suicides swiftly followed​​.

What Made Hitler Famous?

Adolf Hitler is infamously known as the dictator of Nazi Germany. He rose to power on a wave of nationalism and xenophobia, leading Germany into World War II and orchestrating the Holocaust, one of the most horrific genocides in history.

What is Eva Braun Known For?

Eva Braun is known primarily for her intimate association with Adolf Hitler. She played a minor role in the political events of her time but her proximity to Hitler and her presence at key Nazi sites have made her a subject of historical interest.

What Did Eva Braun Do for a Living?

Eva Braun worked as a photographer, initially in Heinrich Hoffmann’s studio and later for the Nazi Party. This career provided her with unique access to the Nazi hierarchy and allowed her to travel with Hitler’s entourage​​.


Eva Braun’s life, entangled with one of history’s most notorious figures, offers a glimpse into the personal dynamics at play within the Nazi elite. Her story, marked by personal struggles and overshadowed by the enormity of the historical events around her, continues to fascinate and horrify.

FAQs about Eva Braun
  1. Did Eva Braun have any political influence? Eva Braun’s role within Hitler’s regime was predominantly non-political. She did not hold any official position in the Nazi Party and was not involved in decision-making processes. Her influence, if any, was limited to her personal relationship with Hitler​​​​.
  2. Was Eva Braun a member of the Nazi Party? Despite her close association with Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun never joined the Nazi Party. Her relationship with Hitler was deeply personal, and she maintained a relatively apolitical stance throughout her life​​.
  3. What were Eva Braun’s hobbies and interests? Eva Braun was known for her athletic interests, including skiing and mountain climbing. She was also fond of photography, which played a significant role in her career and her meeting with Hitler. Additionally, she enjoyed reading, watching romantic films, and grooming herself, often changing her clothes multiple times a day​​​​.
  4. How did the public perceive Eva Braun during the Nazi regime? Throughout most of the Nazi regime, Eva Braun was kept a secret from the public. Very few Germans were aware of her existence, and even within Hitler’s inner circle, her presence was not widely acknowledged. Braun and Hitler rarely appeared in public together, contributing to the secrecy surrounding their relationship​​​​.
  5. What happened to Eva Braun’s family after World War II? Eva Braun’s family survived the war. Her mother, Franziska Braun, lived in a farmhouse in Ruhpolding, Bavaria, and passed away at the age of 96 in January 1976. The rest of Braun’s family also lived through the war and its aftermath​​.

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