Chris Rock has reportedly declined to host the Golden Globes 2024 awards, following his last major hosting gig at the 2022 Oscars, where he experienced a controversial moment with actor Will Smith. Alongside Rock, comedians Ali Wong and the hosts of the podcast Smartless – Will Arnett, Sean Hayes, and Jason Bateman – have also turned down the opportunity to lead the upcoming awards ceremony, scheduled for January 7 in Hollywood.
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This collective decision comes after the incident at the Oscars, where Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s shaved head, referencing the 1997 movie “G.I. Jane.” Pinkett Smith, who has alopecia, was the subject of Rock’s joke, leading to her husband, Will Smith, confronting and slapping Rock on stage. This incident has been a significant talking point in the entertainment industry.
Ali Wong, another prominent figure in comedy, has also refused the offer to host the Globes, as reported by CNN. The Smartless podcast co-hosts are likewise not interested in the role.
Previously, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey have co-hosted the Golden Globes four times, but sources close to them suggest a return is unlikely. A celebrity publicist highlighted the challenges of hosting award shows like the Globes, describing it as a “thankless job” amid changing dynamics and increasing scrutiny in the entertainment world. The Globes organizers have yet to announce a new host for the 2024 ceremony.