P-Funk Majani, a renowned Tanzanian artist celebrated for his multi-faceted talents as a music producer, actor, and director, and also recognized as the leader of Bongo Records Limited, has recently released a new single titled “Hakuna Kulala.” This latest track marks the fifth offering from his current album project, “MAJANI.”
RELATED: P-Funk Majani – Toa Tano Ft Whozu X Rosa Ree
“Hakuna Kulala” could be seen as not just a musical piece but a cultural expression, reflecting the vibrant spirit of Tanzania and the evolving landscape of African music. This collaboration between P-Funk Majani and G Nako is a testament to their artistic vision and ability to create music that crosses cultural boundaries and engages a diverse audience.
Listen to, “P-Funk Majani – Hakuna Kulala Ft G Nako” below;
AUDIO P-Funk Majani – Hakuna Kulala Ft G Nako MP3 DOWNLOAD
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