Kenya’s beloved musician, Kevin “Bahati” Kioko, recently celebrated his 7th wedding anniversary with Diana Marua. However, it wasn’t just another anniversary celebration; Bahati claimed to have spent a whopping Sh.30 million on gifts for his wife. The extravagant celebrations have taken the Kenyan social media world by storm, sparking a wave of debate and skepticism.
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Seven Years, Seven Gifts 💍
To commemorate their seventh anniversary, Bahati had previously promised Marua seven luxurious gifts over seven days. The impressive list includes a brand new blue Range Rover Vouge Autobiography, a giant billboard declaring his undying love for Diana, a title deed to a valuable property, and the traditional dowry payment. With such extravagant gestures, Bahati also hinted at a white wedding in the pipeline.
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Fans Express Their Doubt 💬
While the romantic gestures have warmed many hearts, they have also raised many eyebrows. Netizens quickly took to social media platforms to voice their skepticism:
- raskandevu humorously commented, “Bangi is legal in Kenya”.
- Snrjojo pointed out a perceived inconsistency, “Anaisi mihango then ana gift Diana vitu za 30 million. The math ain’t adding up”.
- Roseombisa, weighed in with, “Yote ni vanity… na of course hiyo ni clout”.
- macana_im made a sarcastic remark, “if you believe this crap you are as gullible as those who still believe this government will perform miracles. #Nation of clout and jaba”.
Bahati and Marua’s extravagant lifestyle is often the talk of the town. This isn’t the first time Kenyan celebrities have been under scrutiny for their public display of affection and gifts. Past allegations of celebrities using “fake gifting” to gain publicity have made fans cautious.
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The Verdict? 🔍
While the actuality of Bahati’s expenditures remains a mystery, what’s undeniable is the buzz they’ve generated. As fans and followers continue to debate the authenticity of these grand gestures, one thing’s for sure – Bahati and Marua’s anniversary celebration has become the talk of Kenya, and maybe, that was the plan all along. Whether a show of genuine affection or a calculated publicity stunt, this anniversary will surely be one for the books.