A collective of young Kenyan musicians known as Wanavokali, consisting of Chep, Lena, Mella, Riki, Sam, and Ythera, has made their remarkable debut in the music scene with the release of their first single titled “Hawataweza.”
RELATED: Bensoul – Dreams (Intro) Ft Wanavokali
One of the standout features of “Hawataweza” is the harmonious blend of voices from the talented members of Wanavokali. Chep, Lena, Mella, Riki, Sam, and Ythera come together to create a captivating vocal arrangement that draws listeners in and carries them along on a journey of empowerment.
Listen to, “Wanavokali – Hawataweza” below;
AUDIO Wanavokali – Hawataweza MP3 DOWNLOAD
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