Ethic Entertainment, an Afro-pop music collective hailing from Kenya, comprises four talented members: Swat, Reckless, Zila, and Seska. They have recently dropped their newest chart-topping track, “Kunoma.” This group, originating from Nairobi in 2018, has been steadily gaining recognition in the music industry thanks to its unique sound and distinctive style.
RELATED: Ethic Entertainment – Dondoka
“Kunoma” is a musical masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of Ethic Entertainment. The group’s signature fusion of diverse African rhythms and contemporary beats is prominently displayed in this track. With its infectious melodies and clever wordplay, “Kunoma” is destined to become a hit not only in Kenya but on the international stage as well.
Listen to, “Ethic Entertainment – Kunoma” below;
AUDIO Ethic Entertainment – Kunoma MP3 DOWNLOAD
Also, check out more from Ethic Entertainment;