Cyrus Koech, the celebrated and award-winning artist deeply entwined with the captivating landscapes of Bomet County in Kenya’s Rift Valley region, marks a triumphant comeback with his latest musical treasure, “Nyowekten Ngoroik.”
RELATED: Cyrus Koech – Our Love
“Nyowekten Ngoroik” is a melodious ballad that beckons listeners into a realm of cultural richness and natural splendor. From the very first note, Koech’s dulcet voice takes you on a journey deep into the heart of Kenya. The song’s lyrics are a poetic homage to the scenic beauty, traditions, and vibrant spirit of the land.
Listen to, “Cyrus Koech – Nyowekten Ngoroik” below;
AUDIO Cyrus Koech – Nyowekten Ngoroik MP3 DOWNLOAD
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