Emerging from the gritty alleys of Busia border, Evans Masinde, known by his monikers “Ching’a Ling’a” and “Mchina Mweusi,” shines as an underground hip-hop artist deeply rooted in his origins. In an exciting revelation, he has introduced a fresh singeli track titled “Khaligraph Unawashwa.”
RELATED: Mchina Mweusi – Leo Club
First Singeli Diss Track About a Kenyan Artist Who Challenged Tanzanian Hip-Hop Artists. Since hip-hop is a genre that can flow over any beat, Mchina Mweusi decided to take on OG with a singeli track to see if he can respond.
Listen to, “Mchina Mweusi – Khaligraph Unawashwa” below;
AUDIO Mchina Mweusi – Khaligraph Unawashwa MP3 DOWNLOAD
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