Raymond Shaban Mwakyusa, widely known as Rayvanny, is a talented Tanzanian artist, songwriter, and singer in the Bongo Fleva genre. He gained prominence during his affiliation with the renowned record label WCB Wasafi. Recently, Rayvanny delighted fans with the release of his latest music video titled “Nakupenda.”
RELATED: Rayvanny – Habibi
Rayvanny has recently released a captivating music video for his latest song, “Nakupenda.” The video showcases his remarkable talent and creativity, captivating audiences with its visuals and captivating storyline. With his signature style and soulful vocals, Rayvanny continues to impress fans with his musical prowess.
Watch, “Rayvanny – Nakupenda” below;
VIDEO Rayvanny – Nakupenda MP4 DOWNLOAD
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