US9514961195221 – Your Package Cannot Be Delivered Scam

US9514961195221 - Your Package Cannot Be Delivered Scam

The fraudulent text message with tracking number US9514961195221, claiming that a package cannot be delivered, is actually a phishing attack aimed at tricking individuals into revealing personal information.

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This scam, known as the USPS Redelivery text scam, involves sending fake text messages that include a link to a fake USPS website. The site looks like the official USPS site and prompts users to provide personal information, such as their name, address, and credit card details.

What is US9514961195221?

The text message containing tracking number US9514961195221, which claims that a package cannot be delivered and is supposedly from USPS, is a phishing attack aimed at tricking individuals into revealing personal information. The message includes a link to track the package, which redirects users to a fake USPS website. This site prompts users to provide personal information, such as their name, address, and credit card details.

The purpose of the US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text message is to steal personal information and money from unsuspecting individuals. The scammers use the stolen information for unauthorized purchases or to commit identity theft.


From: 8338060916

Tracking Number: US9514961195221. Status : We have issues with your shipping address. USPS Allows you to Redeliver your package to your address in case of …

USPS: The carrier cannot deliver to your door because the package you submitted does not have a house number. Please check, close:

USP – You have a package that needs to be delivered but has been suspended due to an incorrect delivery address.

Good morning! your package at the delivery center and cannot be delivered due to incorrect street location. update asap

[Postal reminder]- Unable to deliver your package due to incomplete address, modify the address to ensure delivery as scheduled.

Package reminder: We failed to deliver your package due to the wrong house number. Please fill in the required information:

USP – You have a package that needs to be delivered but has been suspended due to an incorrect delivery address.

It is important to note that USPS does not send text messages to customers asking for personal information. If you receive a text message claiming that your package could not be delivered, such as the one containing tracking number US9514961195221, do not click on any links or enter any information. Instead, contact USPS directly using verified contact information to verify the status of your package. USPS typically sends emails or letters through the mail to customers.

How to Spot Scams That Mimic the USPS

Scammers often mimic USPS in their phishing attacks in order to trick individuals into revealing personal information or sending money. However, there are several things to look out for in order to spot these scams:

  1. Look at the sender’s email address or phone number: USPS emails or text messages will typically come from an email address or phone number that ends with “” If the sender’s email address or phone number looks suspicious or does not end in “,” it is likely a scam.
  2. Check the language used in the message: Scammers often use language that is urgent or threatening to try and get individuals to act quickly. If the message seems overly urgent or threatening, it is likely a scam.
  3. Verify the tracking number: Scammers often include a tracking number in their messages to make them seem more legitimate. However, if you have not ordered anything recently or are not expecting a package, the tracking number is likely fake.
  4. Look for spelling and grammar errors: Scammers often make spelling and grammar errors in their messages, which can be a red flag.
  5. Hover over links: If there is a link in the message, hover over it (without clicking on it) to see where it leads. If the link leads to a suspicious or unfamiliar website, it is likely a scam.
  6. Contact USPS directly: If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a message claiming to be from USPS, contact USPS directly using verified contact information to confirm the status of your package or the authenticity of the message.

By being vigilant and looking out for these signs, you can protect yourself from falling victim to scams that mimic the USPS.

Is the US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text message real?

No, the US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text message is not real. It is a phishing attack that targets individuals through text messages, claiming that they have a package waiting for them from USPS. The message includes a tracking number and a link to click on to track the package.

However, clicking on the link will lead the individual to a fake USPS website, where they are prompted to enter personal information, such as their name, address, and credit card details.

If you receive a message claiming that your package cannot be delivered, such as the one containing tracking number US9514961195221, do not click on any links or enter any information. Instead, contact USPS directly using verified contact information to verify the status of your package. USPS typically sends emails or letters through the mail to customers.

What should I do now?

If you received the US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text message or a similar message, do not click on any links or provide any personal information. This message is a phishing attack designed to steal your personal information and potentially compromise your financial accounts.

Here’s what you should do instead:

  1. Delete the message: Do not respond to the message or engage with the sender in any way. Simply delete the message and do not click on any links.
  2. Report the message: If you receive a suspicious message claiming to be from USPS, you can report it to the USPS Inspection Service by forwarding the message to [email protected]. You can also report the message to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at
  3. Monitor your accounts: If you provided any personal or financial information, monitor your accounts closely for any signs of suspicious activity. Contact your bank or credit card company immediately if you notice any unauthorized charges.
  4. Contact USPS: If you are concerned about the status of a package or have any other questions, contact USPS directly using verified contact information. USPS will never ask for personal or financial information over text message or email.

By following these steps, you can protect yourself from potential identity theft and financial fraud.

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