Best 100 Beautiful Flower Tattoos and Meaning

Best 100 Beautiful Flower Tattoos and Meaning

Best 100 Beautiful Flower Tattoos and Meaning. Flower tattoos are a popular choice for women, as they are versatile and can hold many different meanings.

What is your favorite flower? For me, it’s daisy. The daisy flowers might be small and don’t capture much attention. But they match with almost any flower in a bouquet. They can either shine on their own or be the perfect support role.

And for you, you may identify yourself with other types of flowers. From rose and carnation, which represent true love, to orchid and cherry blossom that symbolize strength, flowers are not just a gift but a personal statement.

As much as we love flowers, they don’t last very long. Most cut flowers would last for a week or so. And seeing them wither is always the hard part. But there’s a way to make it permanent. And that’s why flower tattoos have always been popular around the world.

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If you haven’t decided which flower is perfect for you, here are the most popular flower tattoo ideas and their meanings. Keep scrolling on, and you’ll find the one that complements your body and tells your story.

Best 100 Beautiful Flower Tattoos and Meaning

Here are some of the most beautiful flower tattoos and their meanings:

Lotus tattoo

The spiritual meaning of lotus in Buddhism is calmness, as the flower sits on water undisturbed. Besides that, a lotus tattoo may also mean:

  • Spiritual awakening and enlightenment in Buddhism and Hinduism
  • Purity, as it grows from the mud but blossom pure and clean
  • Yoga and meditation because the Lotus Pose is common in both practices
  • Rebirth, as the lotus flower submerges into the water at night and re-blooms the next day
  • A lotus tattoo reminds us to stay calm in the chaos and to stay true to ourselves. If the flower speaks your mind, you may relate to these lotus tattoos.

Gradient Lotus arm tattoo

Rose tattoos

Roses, probably the most loved flowers on the planet, has a long history across cultures. Before it’s a gesture of love, it has been a symbol of war and royalty. And it was used in the production of medicine and perfume.

Rose tattoo meanings

As more roses are grown in different parts of the world, they also take on different meanings. But generally, they represent love and romance. So if you want to say “I love you” to someone, a bouquet of roses will do the job.

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It’s worth noted that roses in different colors might express different feelings. If you want to get a colored rose tattoo, here is what each one means:

  • Red roses: Romantic love, the perfect gift for Valentine’s day
  • Pink roses: Femininity and gratitude
  • Orange roses: Passion and energy
  • Blue roses: Unrequited love
  • Green roses: Rebirth and growth
  • White roses: Purity, unconditional love, and peace, often used on weddings
  • Yellow roses: Friendship and joy
  • Black roses: Death, end, and closure, used on funerals
  • If you admire the beauty of roses, these rose flower tattoos will inspire your next ink.

Pink rose and butterfly tattoo

Black rose hand tattoo

Tattooist Tilda has created a collection of gorgeous and sophisticated tattoos. We chatted with her recently and she talked about her inspirations and tips for choosing the right design for you.

Black rose hand tattoo

Lily tattoos

Liliums, also commonly known as lily flowers, come in various colors and shapes. Most lilies have six large trumpet-shaped petals. But for some species in the family, the petals may also look like funnels, cups, bells, or bowls.

Lily tattoo meanings

In Chinese, the name of lily flowers is Bai He, which means a couple’s love would last for a century. Thus it’s often used on weddings as decor.

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While most lilies represent purity and femininity, their meanings may vary by color:

  • White lily: Purity and eternity
  • Yellow lily: Optimism and joy
  • Red lily: Intense love and happy marriage
  • Orange lily: Energy and wealth

If lilies are your spiritual flower, you will find your next ink in these lily tattoos.

Lily and carnation matching flower tattoos with names
Red spider lily tattoos

The red spider lily, also known as hurricane lily or resurrection lily, is special in the lily family. The petals of the flower radiate outwards like the claws of a spider. And the bulbs contain poison, which gives the flower a feeling of mystery and danger.

Red spider lily tattoo meanings

In Japan, the flower is named Higanbana, which means the other side of the Sanzu River.

In Japanese folklore, the dead have to cross the river to reach their afterlives. Thus the Japanese associated the flower with death and used them in memorials of their ancestors.

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Unlike most flowers, red spider lilies don’t have an enlightening symbolism. But because of their identifiable shape and stunning red color, it is a popular element in flower tattoos, especially for those who have lost a loved one. In western culture, “beautiful but not available” is the message behind a red spider lily tattoo.

If an elegant but badass tattoo is what you aim for, here is a list of unique red spider lily tattoos you’ll adore:

Red spider lily arm tattoo
Stargazer lily tattoos

Another popular type of lilies, the stargazer lily gets its name from petals that bloom towards the sky.

Just like lily in general, stargazer lilies signify purity. But due to its unique shape, a stargazer lily tattoo can also mean prosperity and abundance.

Waterlily flower tattoos

Similar to lotus, waterlily is a beautiful pond plant with large green leaves floating above the water. Most waterlilies have white petals. But they can also be pink, red, yellow, purple, depending on the region.

Waterlily tattoo meanings

One thing that makes waterlily so special is how they grow. They go underwater and transform into green fruit, wrapping the seeds inside. The special process gives the waterlily flower the symbolism of rebirth. And besides that, waterlily tattoos may also mean:

  • Good luck according to traditional Feng Shui theories
  • Youth, as waterlilies mostly bloom in spring
  • Innocence and beauty, due to the white colors of most waterlilies

In addition to its cultural and religious symbolism, the flower is just gorgeous. And the next waterlily tattoos perfectly capture the beauty and its meaning behind the look.

Black and white waterlily thigh tattoo
Daisy flower tattoos

In China, daisies are called Chu Ju (雏菊), meaning baby chrysanthemum, because of their similarities in shape and colors. And that’s why in eastern countries, daisies are often related to birthyouth and innocence. And they sometimes represent young girls in literature.

Daisy tattoo meanings

Daisies can also represent a crush on someone. If you are unsure whether someone likes you back, you pluck the petals of a daisy flower, and each petal represents yes or no. And you have the answer when you reach the last petal.

Though most daisies are either white or yellow, they also come in various colors carrying different meanings. A daisy tattoo in color may symbolize:

  • White daisy: Hope, a new beginning, and youth
  • Yellow daisy: Good luck, joy, and fun
  • Orange daisy: Optimism and health
  • Blue daisy: Loyalty and trust
  • Pink daisy: Romantic love and love for family

Daisy tattoos will be perfect for you if you are opting for something simple and small. And if that sounds like you, you’ll love these daisy flower tattoos.

Cute daisy and elephant tattoo
Cherry blossom tattoos

Cherry blossom, also known as Sakura in Japanese, has a deep root in oriental cultures and religions. Alone, these tiny pink flowers might not capture attention. But they usually bloom on cherry blossom trees on a large scale, creating spectacular scenery.

Cherry blossom tattoo meanings

Though beautiful, the blooming of cherry blossom only lasts for less than two weeks. That’s why this short-lived flower is tied to mortality in Buddhism. A cherry blossom tattoo reminds people that time flows and we should live in the present.

Besides the pass of time, cherry blossom tattoos can also represent courage and gratitude. Just like the flowers, many things in our lives may be gone without us noticing. And thus, we should be grateful and cherish the small things we have.

During World War II, Japanese soldiers on suicide missions painted cherry blossoms on their airplanes. Though their lives would be cut short, the act was glorious and courageous.

As a traditional Japanese flower, the cherry blossom is often tattooed with other eastern symbols like dragon and koi fish, which you’ll see in the designs below. If you relate to its beauty or the stories behind it, these cherry blossom tattoos may inspire your next ink.

Cherry blossoms and the samurai sword
Cherry blossom family lettering tattoo

Initial tattoos are not only versatile. They can be big, small, simple, or intricate. But they also represent the wearer’s identity or someone they care about. This initial tattoo on the shoulder is decorated with a flower and floral patterns, making it personal and aesthetically pleasing.

Cherry blossom family lettering tattoo
Dandelion tattoos

Have you ever blown a dandelion and make a wish? I have. These small, fluffy plants hold a special place in many people’s hearts.

Dandelion tattoo meanings

Dandelion gets its name from the French phrase “dents de lion” – teeth of a lion in English due to the shape of dandelion’s leaves.

Across cultures, dandelion tattoos have various meanings:

  • Life and the Universe, as the yellow flower resembles the sun, and seeds as stars and puffballs as the moon.
  • The flow of time, as the seeds will never return once carried away by the wind.
  • Wishes and hope. Some believe that if you can blow all the puff from a dandelion in one breath, your wish will come true.
  • Healing, like the wind blowing the puff away, pain and trauma will eventually heal in time.

If you identify with the symbolisms, these dandelion tattoos may be meaningful to you.

Dandelion shoulder tattoo
Sunflower tattoos

Just like its name, a sunflower is as bright as the sun. The yellow petals radiate energy like the sunlight. Sunflowers are so popular because they will bring liveness and energy to any room or home.

Sunflower tattoo meanings

Sunflowers are happy flowers. And a sunflower tattoo has the equal power to lift one’s spirits. Here are the meanings and symbolisms of sunflower tattoos:

  • Positivity, as sunflowers always face the sun and stay on the bright side
  • Leo zodiac sign because it’s the sign’s birth flower
  • Energy, as the sun is the source of all heat and light
  • Hope and a new beginning, just like the sun comes up and brings hope to the new day

The following sunflower tattoos are just as amazing as the flower itself. Scroll on to get inspired.

Always chase sunshine – sunflower arm tattoo
Chrysanthemum flower tattoos

Though the petals of chrysanthemum may look fragile, these flowers are actually hardy and can survive winter. The flower gets its name from Greek “chrysos” and “anthemon,” meaning golden flower. It is called the Queen of fall flowers in the US because most of them bloom in fall.

Chrysanthemum tattoo meanings

In general, the chrysanthemum flowers represent happiness and joy. But because the flower is popular worldwide, a chrysanthemum tattoo may carry different meanings in different regions.

  • In Asia, a chrysanthemum tattoo signifies happiness and honesty.
  • In Chinese literature, the flower symbolizes integrity. Because of the fresh scent of the flower, a chrysanthemum tattoo may be a reminder to live a simple life.
  • In Western countries, chrysanthemums are used in funerals. But that doesn’t mean it’s inappropriate to wear chrysanthemum tattoos. The flower itself is seen as a protector against evil spirits. And a chrysanthemum tattoo may serve as a talisman that cast away bad energies.

It takes skills and techniques to tattoo the piles of curvy petals in detail. And the artists of the following chrysanthemum flower tattoos nail it.

Chrysanthemum sleeve tattoo
Orchid tattoos

It’s hard not to notice orchid flowers for their bold colors and large petals. As a houseplant, orchids are pretty easy to grow and are usually the center of attention.

Orchid tattoo meanings

The orchid flowers are not just special because of their unique features. They are the “cheater” of nature. Some types of orchid flowers develop insect-like petals to attract pollinators. And that’s probably why orchid tattoos, in general, are associated with fertilitycharm, and elegance. But they can also signify strength as the flower survives in various environments.

If you find orchid unique and attractive, you are going to love these unique orchid tattoos.

Black orchid ankle tattoo
Daffodil flower tattoos

Narcissus, commonly known as daffodil, is the March birth flower for it blooms in early spring. With yellow and white petals, the daffodil is often seen as the perfect flower to spruce up a home.

Daffodil tattoo meanings

The word Narcissus was commonly linked to Greek mythology. In the myth, a young hunter with the same name couldn’t stop admiring his reflection and eventually died of thirst. That’s why daffodil flower tattoos sometimes represent vanity. But there is more to the symbolism of the flower.

  • Because of the blooming time, a daffodil tattoo may signify a new beginning or a fresh start.
  • In China and some eastern countries, daffodils are considered to be a symbol of good luck.
  • A daffodil bulb may bloom every spring for several years. Thus a daffodil tattoo symbolizes rebirth and prosperity.

If you feel the connection with the flower on a deeper level, these daffodil tattoos may win your heart.

Abstract daffodil and butterfly semicolon tattoo
Poppy tattoos

Just like the red spider lily, the poppy is gorgeous but dangerous. Many species of poppies contain toxins. The blood-red hue of the petals also magnifies their lethal beauty.

Poppy tattoo meanings

In Greek and Roman mythologies, poppies symbolized eternal sleep and were placed on tombstones to bring peace to the dead.

In the modern western world, poppies are used in memorials of soldiers who died in the war.

Poppy is not a common element to tattoo for its negative symbolism. But on the bright side, it can also signify healing after loss.

If the poppy flowers resonate with you, you’ll love these poppy tattoos.

Orange poppies with white daffodil ankle tattoo
Carnation tattoos

Carnations are undoubtedly unique in their looks. The color of the edge of the petals may differ from the rest of the area. And it makes carnations stand out easily from a bouquet of flowers. From the surface, carnations are pretty to look at. But they are also meaningful.

Carnation tattoo meanings
  • Carnation tattoos may represent motherly love, especially in western cultures. The flower is believed to grow from the tears of the mother of Jesus as he carried the cross. That’s why carnation is the perfect flower to send on Mother’s Day. If you ever consider getting a mother-daughter tattoo or a mother-son tattoo, carnation will be a good idea.
  • A carnation tattoo can also represent love and marriage. In some countries, carnation is a common wedding flower and also the flower of a first wedding anniversary.
  • In Europe, carnation tattoos are sometimes symbols of change because of the 1974 Carnation Revolution in Portugal.

Want to turn this unique flower into permanent ink? Here is a collection of stunning carnation tattoos for your inspiration.

Larkspur and carnation flower tattoo
Tulip flower tattoos

Every time I think about tulip flowers, acres of tulip fields in the Netherlands just unfold before my eyes. In spring, the blooming tulips charm the world with their bold colors and unique aura. This is the flower that could never go wrong as a gift for a lover, a friend, or anyone you care about.

Tulip tattoo meanings

Netherland might be the place most tulips grow. But the craze of the flower doesn’t limit to one country only. People around the world love the flower for their gorgeous looks and the meaning behind them.

Just like the flower, most tulip tattoos symbolize perfect love – the love that happens once in a lifetime. If you are tattooing tulips in color, here is what each of them means:

  • Red tulips: romance and true love
  • Pink tulips: care and good wishes
  • White tulips: asking for forgiveness
  • Purple tulips: wealth and luxury
  • Yellow tulips: Prosperity and luck

If you connect with this beautiful flower emotionally, these tulip flower tattoos may be perfect for you.

Rainbow tulip tattoo
Wildflowers tattoos

By the name, wildflowers refer to more than one flower species. They are grown in the wild and bloom at different times of the year. In a park, by the lake, or out of nowhere, you never know when you’ll come across these wild beauties.

Wildflower tattoo meanings

People are drawn to wildflowers for all sorts of reasons. And similarly, a wildflower tattoo has various meanings, and here are some of them:

  • Strength and independence, as wildflowers grow in the wild without the caring of human
  • Joy, because a bouquet of wildflowers usually consist of multiple species, creating a visual abundance
  • Love, as some people may pick wildflowers as a gift and express affection to their loved ones.

There are numerous possibilities for wildflower tattoos as the design doesn’t limit to one species. Here are some of the best wildflower tattoos that combine beauty with creativity.

Pink wildflower tattoo
Leaves and vine tattoos

Technically, the vine is not a type of flower. But often, you will see vine in floral tattoos as a foil. But alone, vines make beautiful designs, too.

Vine tattoo meanings

Vine tattoos are controversial, just like the plant itself. They climb onto trees, walls, and other plants to get more sunlight. Unfortunately, their eagerness for survival sometimes causes the death of other plants. Thus vine tattoos are often symbols of desire and relentlessness.

If you relate to the fighter spirit vine tattoos portray, you will like the following designs.

Beautiful vine tattoo around the wrist
Which of these flower tattoos is your favorite?

Have your found your spiritual flower in this post? Leave your thoughts in the comment down below!

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