Former Miss Croatia Ivana Knoll wore a red and white checkered bra to attend a match at Ahmed bin Ali Stadium during FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. The 30-year-old dubbed as World Cup 2022’s ‘sexiest fan’ wore a Croatian-flag-inspired bra and matching red tights to support the national side.
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She shared a bunch of photos from the matchday, and one particular post caught everyone’s attention.
The photo shows Ivana Knoll climbing down the steps in the stadium and seems to have caught the eyes of some Qatari fans who seem to be ‘fascinated’ by Miss Croatia’s bold and beautiful avatar. Miss Croatia Ivana Knoll: View Sexy Photos of World Cup’s ‘Hottest Fan’ in Qatar.
What is Ivana Knoll controversy in Qatar?
Women are not allowed to wear revealing outfits in Qatar. Regulations released by the Qatari government clearly state that “women shall not show their stomach, shoulders, knees, or breast.” While covering other parts, Knoll’s clothing had a highly exposed plunging neckline. Additionally, it is figure-hugging, which is viewed as offensive by the Qataris.
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Qatar is infamous for imposing heavy penalties, going as high as $2400 just for littering in the stadiums. So, It is believed that Knoll would face a more severe fine for violating so-called “decency laws”.
She might even go to jail for wearing skimpy attire during the FIFA World Cup.
Who is Ivana Knoll?
Ivana Knoll is a model, Instagram influencer, TikTok star, and social media celebrity. She is being dubbed as the sexiest fan of Croatia in Qatar. She is the owner of knölldoll. According to the bio on her website, the goal of “knolldoll” is to produce a unique Croatian item.
She is followed by 578,000 people on Instagram. She makes money as a social media influencer by promoting various products on her Instagram and other social media accounts.
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Ivana Knoll, aged 30, was born on September 16, 1992, in Frankfurt, Germany. Ivana Knoll is thought to have a net worth of around $1 million. In terms of education, she graduated from a private high school and doesn’t have a college degree.
She now enjoys a luxurious lifestyle with a mansion, expensive cars, and numerous other possessions.