Maralee Nichols hot and sexy photos

Maralee Nichols hot and sexy photos

Maralee Nichols (born in 1990; Age: 31 years) is an American Fitness Expert, Personal Trainer, and Celebrity Partner from Houston, Texas, The United States of America. She is best recognized as the baby mother of Tristan Thompson’s child who is a famous basketball professional player.

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He represents the Sacramento Kings of the NBA. On December 02, 2021, she became the talk of the town after she gave birth to their child, Angelou Kash Thompson. If you are curious to know about Maralee Wiki, Biography, Age, Boyfriend, Husband, Children, Family, Career, Height, Ethnicity, etc then keep on scrolling through this article.

Maralee Nichols hot and sexy photos

This personality lives a private life therefore I was not able to get details of her actual date of birth. However, she was born in 1990 in Houston, Texas, in The United States of America. As of 2021, Nichols’ age is 31 years old.

She was brought up by her father and mother in Houston. Her primary and secondary education also took place in her hometown. She has a bachelors’ degree from a private college.

Maralee even has a certification to become a fitness expert and personal trainer. She moved to Los Angeles, California, USA by the time I am covering this blog. By birth, she holds American nationality and has a faith in Christianity.

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