Horses: 5 most unique horses in the world, Citimuzik we are happy to have you back again to your favorite website for Entertainment and knowledge.
Quick Overview

Origin: Friesland
Scientific name: Equus ferus caballus
Colour: Black
Distinguishing features: Black, powerfully muscled, agile with elegant action, thick mane and tail, feather on lower legs
Size: Around 15 – 17 hands high and weighs in between 544 – 635kg.
Akhal Teke
Origin: Turkmenistan
Mass: 450 kg (Adult)
Height: 1.5 – 1.6 m (Adult, At Shoulder)
Scientific name: Equus ferus caballus
Length: 1.4 – 1.7 m (Adult)
Distinguishing features: Riding horse bred for endurance; noted for ‘metallic’ coat of some individuals
Origin: Denmark
Scientific name: Equus caballus
Higher classification: Horse
Colour: any but piebald or palomino; often spotted
Height: 154–162 cm: 480 ; Male: average 160 cm (16 h); Female: average 158 cm (16 h);
Other names: Knabstrup; Knabstrupperhesten
Standard: Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark
Gypsy Vanner
Origin: Ireland, United Kingdom
Scientific name: Equus caballus
Distinguishing features: Cob conformation, often piebald or skewbald, feathered heels
Other names: Cob; Gypsy Horse; Gypsy Vanner; Irish Cob; Tinker Horse
Golden Tennessee horse
Scientific name: Equus ferus caballus
Higher classification: Horse
Rank: Animal breed
Color: Any color permissible
Distinguishing features: Unique running-walk, tall, long neck; calm disposition; long, straight head
Height: 14.3 to 17 hands (59 to 68 inches, 150 to 173 cm)
Other names: Tennessee Walker; Walking Horse; Walker; TWH
Horses: 5 most unique horses in the world.
Friesian horses are an ancient breed native to Friesland, Holland. Initially, they were grey or bay, but they are only black nowadays due to specific breeding practices.
The breed was re-introduced into the US in 1974, but they were often crossbred with other horse breeds.
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As a result, North American Friesians lost their pureblood, and only 8,000 purebred Friesian horses live in North America today. Most of them take place in horse show competitions.
Friesian Horse Price
The Friesian Horse Breed Value | |
Horse type | Average price |
Weanling | $7,000 to $15,000 |
1-year-olds | Up to $15,000 |
Untrained colts | $10,000 |
Fillies and colts | $10,000 to $20,000 |
Mares with three years of experience | $15,000 to $25,000 |
Star mares | $25,000 to $40,000+ |
Model mares | $50,000 to $100,000+ |
Preferent mares | $500,000 to $1,000,000 |
Stallions | $150,000 to $750,000 |
Friesian horses are an old, excellently regulated breed. Their price will directly depend on the horse’s purpose and breeding qualities.
Origin: Friesland
Scientific name: Equus ferus caballus
Colour: Black
Distinguishing features: Black, powerfully muscled, agile with elegant action, thick mane and tail, feather on lower legs
Size: Around 15 – 17 hands high and weighs in between 544 – 635kg.
So, you can choose the animal with or without pedigree, depending on your budget, plans, and intentions.
Akhal Teke
The first official horse breeding farms were established after 1881 when Turkmenistan became part of the Russian Empire. The first Akhal-Teke came to the US in 1979 and was registered in the Akhal-Teke Association of America.
The Akhal-Teke is a typical horse breed of Turkmenistan. For the bright color of its coat, it is called “the golden horse”.
Akhal Teke Characteristics
The Akhal-Teke is a national horse of Turkmenistan and a status symbol. You can see this beautiful animal on the national coat of arms and banknotes. The horse image is even on stamps. Owning such an animal is considered an ultimate honor.
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Interestingly, this horse breed has no written history in English since its origins have never been translated reliably into this language. However, it is known that an Akhal-Teke, Byerly Turk, was one of the three founding the Thoroughbred breed’s stallions.
Many admirers are confused with the metallic sheen of this horse’s coat. The secret is in the hair texture and structure. It is silky and joining silk-like strands creates a metallic sheen that reflects when you expose the horse to direct sunlight.
Akhal Teke
Origin: Turkmenistan
Mass: 450 kg (Adult)
Height: 1.5 – 1.6 m (Adult, At Shoulder)
Scientific name: Equus ferus caballus
Length: 1.4 – 1.7 m (Adult)
Distinguishing features: Riding horse bred for endurance; noted for ‘metallic’ coat of some individuals
Akhal-Teke Age
Since the prime time for this breed is the age range of 4 to 5 years, you can expect them to cost a lot. However, the most expensive Akhal-Teke horses are those aged 10 to 14 years, when they are at their prime for riding. An animal in its early 20s typically costs substantially less money
Age | Price |
Foal | €7,000 ($7,925) |
One to two years old | €12,000 to €25,000 ($13,600 to $28,300) |
Three years old | €18,000 to €35,000 ($20,400 to $39,600) |
Four to five years old | €25,000 to €120,000 ($13,000 to $135,850) |
Once you decide to purchase an Akhal-Teke horse, you should consider all available options. Such a horse is rare, expensive, and requires specific, often costly boarding, care, and living conditions. The less expensive option is to buy a foal, while you should spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a male in full fitness.
The Knabstrupper (or Knabstrup) is a breed from Denmark with a startlingly unique spotted coat. The breed dates back to its origins in 1812, when a mare named ‘Flaebe’s mare’ of unknown origin (possibly Iberian) was purchased by Villars Lunn of the manor house Knabstrupgaard.
The dark chestnut covered with small white snowflakes always produced foals with spectacular coat patterns; she was mated with a palomino Frederiksborg stallion and their offspring, The Flaebestallion, became the foundation of the Knabstrupper breed.
Origin: Denmark
Scientific name: Equus caballus
Higher classification: Horse
Colour: any but piebald or palomino; often spotted
Height: 154–162 cm: 480 ; Male: average 160 cm (16 h); Female: average 158 cm (16 h);
Other names: Knabstrup; Knabstrupperhesten
Standard: Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark
Knabstrup Characteristics
Knabstruppers have a notable spotted coat that can range from a few spots to full leopard markings (although some are born with solid bay, grey or chestnut coats).
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They have a noble head, small, pricked ears, expressive eyes, a square muzzle, and a high-set neck. The breed has well-developed shoulders, a broad chest, long back, moderately sloped quarters, powerful legs, and good natural paces. Hooves are light-coloured or striped.
The Knabstrupper breed is lively and friendly, smart, easy to train, kind, willing to work, and takes direction well. They normally stand between 15.2-16 hands.
Gypsy Vanner
The Gypsy Cob, also known as the Traditional Gypsy Cob, Irish Cob, Gypsy Horse, Gypsy Vanner, or Tinker Horse is a type or breed of domestic horse from the islands Great Britain and Ireland
Gypsy Horse Personality
Gypsy Vanners are among the most popular horse breeds today because they are intelligent, docile, and easy to train. They are a great beginner horse and often the favorite option for families. They have a well-mannered nature which allows them to bond with children easily.
Gypsy Vanner
Origin: Ireland, United Kingdom
Scientific name: Equus caballus
Distinguishing features: Cob conformation, often piebald or skewbald, feathered heels
Other names: Cob; Gypsy Horse; Gypsy Vanner; Irish Cob; Tinker Horse
Characteristics of Gypsy Horse
The most noted visual trait of the Gypsy Vanner Horse is the abundance of hair and “feathers’ that should be straight and silky. The manes and tails of this breed are full and flowing giving them an elegant and majestic appearance. The Gypsy’s are a very versatile breed known for their soundness and sanity.
Lifespan of Gypsy Horse
Quick Facts About Gypsy Vanner Horses
Species Name: | Gypsy Vanner |
Color Form: | Especially Piebald and Skewbald |
Lifespan: | 20 – 25 years |
Size: | 13 – 16 hands |
Diet: | Hay and Balancer |
Golden Tennessee horse
The Tennessee Walking Horse or Tennessee Walker is a breed of gaited horse known for its unique four-beat running-walk and flashy movement.
It was originally developed as a riding horse on farms and plantations in the American South.
Golden Tennessee horse
Scientific name: Equus ferus caballus
Higher classification: Horse
Rank: Animal breed
Color: Any color permissible
Distinguishing features: Unique running-walk, tall, long neck; calm disposition; long, straight head
Height: 14.3 to 17 hands (59 to 68 inches, 150 to 173 cm)
Other names: Tennessee Walker; Walking Horse; Walker; TWH
Tennessee walking horses average 15.2 hands (157 cm, or 62 inches) in height and weigh about 450 kg (1,000 pounds).
Tennessee Walking horses require a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water in their diet.
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They can sustain on fresh grass, hay, rolled oats, and other grains, such as barley and bran. Treats, such as carrots and apples, can be given in moderation.
Tennessee Walkers are popular as both show horses and horses ridden for pleasure. They have a lifespan of up to 30 years when they receive excellent care.
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