Your breasts are sore, youโre tired and cranky, and youโre craving carbs like crazy. You also may be experiencing uncomfortable cramping. Sounds like youโre about to start your period, right? It may surprise you to learn that these symptoms could all be early signs that youโre pregnant, not premenstrual.
Cramps are a typical part of your monthly menstrual cycle, but did you know they could be experienced in early pregnancy, too? Some women notice mild uterine cramps in the first few weeks of pregnancy.
Your breasts feel different
Breasts that are tender, sore, or swollen can be a sign of an impending period. But these same symptoms can also indicate that youโre pregnant. Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can cause breasts to feel sensitive or sore. They can also feel heavier or more full. You may notice that your areolas, or the skin around your nipples, are becoming darker.
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Youโre feeling nauseated
Morning sickness is a classic symptom of early pregnancy. It can persist into later trimesters, too. Despite the name, moms-to-be may feel nauseated at any time of the day or night, not just in the morning. Morning sickness can sometimes begin as early as three weeks after conception.
Blame this symptom on those early pregnancy hormones and an increase in the volume of your blood. Together, they can mean more frequent headaches. If you suffer from migraines, you may experience more of them during pregnancy. Some women also experience fewer migraines.
Youโre completely exhausted
Fatigue is another by-product of soaring hormones at the beginning of a pregnancy. Progesterone in particular is the culprit here: It can make you feel very tired.
Food aversions
Food cravings and aversions are other classic signs of pregnancy. Again, blame this on hormones.
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You may notice feelings of dizziness or lightheadedness if you move quickly from a reclined to a seated position, or if you stand up suddenly. During pregnancy, your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops. Together, they can make you feel lightheaded.
Every woman and every pregnancy is different. But many moms-to-be experiences early pregnancy symptoms. The majority of these symptoms are related to surging hormones. Itโs important to understand that all of these symptoms arenโt exclusive to pregnancy. That means there are other reasons that you could be experiencing them.