VIDEO:Best hacking laptop and OS?

VIDEO Best hacking laptop and OS?

Parrot OS vs Kali Linux? Which is the best hacking OS? Which laptop should you buy for hacking? Should you use a VM or bare metal install?

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Lots of questions answered in this video!


  • Which is the best hacking OS. What does parrot say?
  • Neal’s choice and why:
  • Which laptop does Neal use for hacking:
  • What about Windows and WSL2:
  • What about bare metal installations:
  • VM vs baremetal Performance:
  • Which laptop would you buy if starting out:
  • Moving from a Mac to Windows:
  • Ultimate laptop for hacking:
  • Career perspective:
  • How much of my time is hacking vs other tasks:
  • You are hacker if you cannot do this:
  • How much of my time will be spent on hacking:
  • How do I learn to write reports:
  • Breach reports:

RELATED: VIDEO Top Hacking books you need to read

Watch โ€œHacking โ€“ย Best hacking laptop and OSโ€ below;

VIDEO Best hacking laptop and OS?

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