VIDEO:13 BRUTAL Truths Men Must Learn AND Accept by Age 30!

VIDEO 13 BRUTAL Truths Men Must Learn AND Accept by Age 30

To live the best life possible, except some specific truths. Not facing reality or facts because it’s uncomfortable to hear or you don’t want to face it is not a way to live. I am going over brutal truths that every guy over 30 years old needs to accept and deal with.

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Nobody owes you anything. You need to go out and make life happen. If you’re waiting or expecting somebody to knock on your door, it will never happen. Don’t waste your life waiting.
Being lazy will not allow you to realize your potential. Hard work beats talent.

Good looks don’t equate to being a good person. You need to be with somebody with character and integrity who is beautiful on the inside and outside. Our society has gotten messed up, allowing prettier, popular people to do horrible things.

Health is the most valuable asset. You need to protect your health and do everything that you can to protect it. You can’t drink in excess or smoke. Don’t do drugs. Exercise every day.

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Time is your most valuable resource. You need to invest it wisely. How you invest your time daily will determine where you end up in life. Engaging in unproductive activities will not allow you to achieve things you should or could. Invest your time into self-improvement, work hard, make new friends, and progress to success.

Past failures don’t dictate your future successes. When you fail, you may be scared to try again. Or perhaps you grew up poor. In both cases, you will either (1) allow your circumstances to define your future or (b) choose to move forward despite the situation.

Bad happens to good people. We are often collateral damage in other people’s lives. These people may not do things purposely to hurt us, but their choices end up hurting us. Fortunately, you have 100% control over yourself and where you’re going in your happiness. Therapy is a gift you can give yourself to move forward, have mental strength, and find happiness. You deserve to be happy! Go to Better Help for 10% off your 1st month of therapy and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help.

Watch”13 BRUTAL Truths Men Must Learn AND Accept by Age 30!”,below

VIDEO 13 BRUTAL Truths Men Must Learn AND Accept by Age 30

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