Top 11 Sigma Male Traits & Signs You’re a Sigma Male.

Who is a Sigma Male?

A Sigma Male is a man who chooses to live his life outside of the normal social dominance hierarchy of society. Sigma males have similar traits to alpha males but prefer to walk to the beat of their own drum, and don’t often take orders from people or conform to society’s labels or systems.

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Sigma Males are often the ones who step outside their comfort zones, create amazing things, start businesses, are quiet and confident partners, and hard workers.

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Their role, whether they realize it or not, is to pave the way for many others, including Alpha Males who aren’t as creative or as willing to buck the trend to allow society to progress.

Top 10 Sigma Male Traits | Signs You’re a Sigma Male

11. Sigmas are right most of the time. Through the thirst for knowledge, Sigmas understand and apply the fact that knowledge is power. Our mental activity churns constantly and formulates scenarios to complex problems, or even moderate ones.

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Our mental skill set analyses situations quickly and solves issues through the ability to recognize even the smallest of details and incorporate them into the solution that works best. Many times the correct outcome just appears and needs little to no computation or discussion. If discussion is required, we know our trusted acquaintances to seek out.

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