The Best Options For You On How To Get Rid Of Pubic Fat Easily

The Best Options For You On How To Get Rid Of Pubic Fat Easily

What Is FUPA? What Causes It?

FUPA is an area on the suprapubic area or lower abdomen of excess fat. Sometimes it forms a sort of pocket-like structure and is often an inciting factor for skin conditions and medical issues that stem with panniculus such as intertrigo and rashes and hanging skin,โ€ says board-certified dermatologist Dr. Anna Chacon. โ€œCauses of FUPA include lack of exercise and obesity,โ€ she adds. Factors like age, pregnancy, rapid weight loss, and genetic predisposition may also lead to panniculus (the medical term for FUPA).

To get rid of this excess fat, you need to have an overall weight-loss strategy in place. Spot reduction is not possible. Target full-body weight loss along with lower belly exercises to shed fat and tighten the area with muscles. Here are 10 easy exercises you can do at home to get rid of FUPA.

10 Exercises To Reduce FUPA At Home
Before starting, do a 10-minute warm-up. After that, do the following exercises. These will take about 45 minutes. Wear appropriate shoes and clothes and use a mat.

  1. Jumping Jacks

How To Do

  1. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, shoulder rolled out, chest up, and hands by your side. This is the starting position.
  2. Now, jump and land softly on the floor with your feet more than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Simultaneously, raise your hands laterally up above your head.
  4. Now, jump again and come back to the starting position.
  5. Do this fast 20 times to complete one set.
  6. Do 3 sets of 20 reps each.
  1. High Knees

How To Do

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, shoulders rolled out, chest up, and hands by your side.
  2. Now, hop and lift your right leg off the floor. Bend your right knee and try to bring it to your chest level.
  3. Place your right leg down and hop and lift your left leg. Try to bring the left knee to chest level.
  4. Do this fast 12 times to complete one set.
  5. Do 3 sets of 12 reps each.
  1. Leg In And Outs

How To Do

  1. Sit on the mat with your knees slightly bent and heels on the floor.
  2. Lean back a little and place your palms on the floor for support.
  3. Lift your legs off the floor and engage your abs. This is the starting position.
  4. Now, extend your legs. Simultaneously, bend your elbows and lean back further.
  5. Next, bend your knees and bring them closer to the chest. Simultaneously, extend your elbows and bring your chest closer to the knees.
  6. Repeat the same faster.
  7. Do 3 sets of 12 reps each.
  1. Reverse Crunches

How To Do

  1. Lie down on a mat with your hands by your side.
  2. Lift your legs off the floor, bend your knees, and bring them right above your pelvis. This is the starting position.
  3. Now, bring your knees close to your chest.
  4. Bring the legs back to the starting position without extending them.
  5. Bring the knees close to the chest again.
  6. Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.
  1. Double Leg Drops

How To Do

  1. Lie down on a mat.
  2. Lift both your legs up at 90 degrees to the floor. Place your hands beneath your hips. This is the starting position.
  3. Now, slowly lower your legs.
  4. Pick them up right when they are about to touch the floor.
  5. Drop your legs again.
  6. Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.
  1. Scissor Kicks

How To Do

  1. Lie down on the floor. Lift both your legs up at 90 degrees to the floor. Keep your hands by your side.
  2. Now, drop your right leg down and bring it back up.
  3. As you bring the right leg back to the starting position, drop your left leg.
  4. Do 3 sets of 12 reps each.
  1. Bicycle Crunches

How To Do

  1. Lie down on a mat with your knees bent and legs off the floor.
  2. Place your thumbs behind your ears and support your head with the rest of your fingers. Next, lift your head off the floor. Look diagonally up. This is the starting position.
  3. Now, crunch up and twist to your left. Bring your left knee closer to your chest and try to touch it with your right elbow.
  4. Simultaneously, extend your right leg.
  5. Bring your right leg back to the starting position and lower your upper body.
  6. Now, extend your left leg, crunch up, and try to touch your right knee with your left elbow.
  7. Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.
  1. Superman

How To Do

  1. Lie down on your belly on a mat, with your hands and legs extended, as shown in the picture.
  2. Now, lift your hands and legs off the floor. Lift your head as well and look diagonally up.
  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  4. Now, relax.
  5. Do this 3 times.
  1. Mountain Climbers

How To Do

  1. Get into a plank position. Keep your elbows right below your shoulders with your core engaged.
  2. Now, bend your right knee and bring it close to your chest.
  3. Place your right foot back.
  4. Now, bend your left knee and bring it close to your chest.
  5. Place the left foot back.
  6. Do this at a faster pace.
  7. Do 3 sets of 20 reps each.
  1. Plank Jacks

How To Do

  1. Get into a high plank position.
  2. Now, keeping your abs and glutes engaged, hop and place your legs wider than hip-width apart.
  3. Hop and bring them back to the starting position.
  4. Do 3 sets of 12 reps each.

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