When you block someone on WhatsApp, you will no longer receive notifications, messages, calls, or status updates from them.
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In addition, your “last seen” timestamp and online status, plus any changes made to your profile, will not be visible to contacts you’ve blocked.
How to unblock on WhatsApp contact
You can also choose to unblock someone on Whatsapp. Here’s how to do it on Android or iOS devices.
On Android
- From the WhatsApp home screen, tap the three vertical dots on the top right-hand corner to access the More options menu. Then, tap Settings.
- In the Settings menu, tap Account. Tap Privacy, and then Blocked contacts.
- Tap the name of the blocked contact.
- Then tap Unblock [contact name or number].
RELATED: How to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp
On iOS
- From the WhatsApp home screen, tap Settings at the bottom right.
- Tap Account then Privacy.
- Tap Blocked.
- Tap the contact name, and on the contact details page, tap Unblock Contact.