How To Lose Weight Fast For Women

How To Lose Weight Fast For Women

If you are wondering how to lose weight fast at home, the thing is that it can get tricky โ€” especially if you are a woman. Menopause, hormonal ups and downs, childbirth, surgery, medications, and body types can cause sluggish metabolism. Fortunately, you can put your body into fat-burning mode by following certain ways.

Diet, exercise, and lifestyle tips for experiencing quick weight loss results.

RELATED: VIDEO: 9 Things Happens If You Stop Eating Sugar for TWO Weeks.

Proteins, Fats, And Dietary Fiber โ€“ The Best Combo

Consume a combination of all three food groups every time you have a meal. Hereโ€™s why.

Proteins are the building blocks of the human body. From hormones, muscles, enzymes, hair, skin, and nails โ€“ everything is made of protein. By consuming adequate amounts of protein (1.2 g โ€“ 1.6 g protein per kg body weight), you will enable your body to build lean muscle mass, induce muscle recovery after working out, and increase satiety

Healthy fats are anti-inflammatory. Silent inflammation in your body can cause toxin build-up, resulting in inflammation-induced obesity. Consume fatty fish, omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, avocado oil, and ghee (clarified butter) to lower inflammation in your body

Veggies, fruits, brown rice, black rice, oats, broken wheat, wheat, quinoa, and millet are good sources of dietary fiber. These help increase satiety, improve digestion, and flush out toxins

Drink Enough Water

Not drinking enough water might be one of the reasons you are not losing the unwanted flab. Water helps to hydrate your body and flush out toxins. This, in turn, helps boost metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Practice Portion Control

Portion control is key to losing weight without depriving yourself of delicious foods. It essentially means limiting the amount of food you consume. Controlling your portions can help you shed pounds like magic.

You can also enjoy high-calorie foods in limited amounts. But you must maintain your total daily calorie intake. If you are supposed to consume 1500 calories per day to lose weight, make sure that you do not cross that limit.

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Get Low On Sugar And Salt

Both sugar and salt are killers in high amounts. And guess what? Most of us are guilty of consuming too much sugar and salt in our food.

Excess salt in food causes water retention in the body. If not kept in check, it might cause your blood pressure to shoot up. On the other hand, excess sugar increases sugar levels in your blood, causes insulin resistance, and gets stored as fat in your body.

Avoid adding too much salt and sugar to your food. Also, beware of hidden salt and sugar in potato wafers, fries, fried chicken, pickles, jerky, sausages, soda, cakes, pastries, ice cream, cheese, buttermilk, salted nuts, garlic salt, celery salt, barbeque sauce, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, sweet chili sauce, and chocolate.

Artificial Sweeteners?

If calorie counting was the only thing that mattered for weight loss, you wouldnโ€™t gain weight by drinking diet soda. There are numerous scientific studies that discourage you from consuming artificial sugar.

The report also says, โ€œPregnant and lactating women, children, diabetics, migraine, and epilepsy patients represent the susceptible population to the adverse effects of NNS-containing products and should use these products with the utmost caution

We advise you to avoid consuming artificial sweeteners. Use honey, jaggery, and dark brown sugar instead.

Careful With The Sauces And Dressings

Sauces and dressings need special mention. Although the problem is the same โ€“ high salt, sugar, food additives, and food preservatives โ€“ they need a special mention because we do not pay attention.

Salads, fries, roast chicken, nachos, and all things delicious are because of dressings and condiments. If you take a quick look at the food labels, you will be surprised to know the amount of salt and sugar they contain. Look for chemicals like monosodium glutamate, aspartame, sodium sulfite, high fructose corn syrup, sulfur dioxide, potassium bromate, butylated hydroxyanisole (BAH), and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)

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Limit Alcohol Consumption

Donโ€™t get me wrong. Once in a while, it is perfectly fine. Avoid consuming it every day and/or in excessive amounts. Alcohol gets converted into sugar in the body, which gets stored as fat if you do not burn it by working out.

Alcohol also causes dehydration, thereby slowing down your metabolism. Have a glass of wine if you really feel like it. Avoid frequent heavy drinking.

Detox Once Every Week

Detoxing is not an option anymore. The food habits, quality of food, weekend parties, and other lifestyle choices make detoxing once or twice a week essential.

Go on a juice diet for a day. Make sure you make the juices at home or get cold-pressed juice. Do not remove the pulp if you want the dietary fiber. If you have IBS/IBD, strain out the pulp.

Brisk Walking

Walking is one of the best exercises, especially because it is easy on your joints and heart. If you are not used to working out, walking is a great place to start.

Walk for at least 15-20 minutes every day for a week. You might walk the dog or take a walk post-dinner. After a week, itโ€™s time to amp up your game. Move on to brisk walking.

Set a timer. Walk at a slower pace for a minute and then walk faster for 30 seconds. Initially, your calves might start to cramp soon. Take rest for a few minutes but do not give up.

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Stressed Out? Run!

Running is the best feeling in the world when you are stressed out โ€“ more so because your brain concentrates more on preventing you from falling than worrying about other things.

Your breathing rate increases and the heart starts to pump blood faster. Also, when you work out, the โ€œfeel goodโ€ hormones โ€“ serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline are released. As a result, you start to feel better. Itโ€™s a great way to de-stress.

Bodyweight Training

If lifting weights and going to the gym is not your jam, you can always fall back on bodyweight training. This means that you will use the weight of your body to shed fat, strengthen your body, and increase fitness.

A few examples of bodyweight training exercises are:

  • Burpees
  • Jumping Lunges
  • Jumping Squats
  • Double Jump
  • Plank Up Downs
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Jump Rope
  • Chin-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Tricep Dips
Sleep โ€“ You Need It!

Sleep on the things that are worrying you. This will stop you from overthinking and clear your head the next morning when you wake up.

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