Some women have no pregnancy symptoms at week 1, while others may experience symptoms such as fatigue, breast tenderness, and mild cramping.
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Typically, medical professionals measure pregnancy week 1 from the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period. Although a woman is not actually pregnant at this point, counting week 1 from the last menstrual period can help determine a woman’s estimated pregnancy due date.
Very early signs of pregnancy 1 Week
Pregnancy symptoms in week 1 are different for every woman and every pregnancy. According to the Office on Women’s HealthTrusted Source, the most common first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period.
Other early pregnancy symptoms include:
- nausea with or without vomiting
- breast changes including tenderness, swelling, or tingling feeling, or noticeable blue veins
- frequent urination
- headache
- raised basal body temperature
- bloating in the belly or gas
- mild pelvic cramping or discomfort without bleeding
- tiredness or fatigue
- irritability or mood swings
- food cravings or aversions
- a heightened sense of smell
- metallic taste in the mouth
Not all of these symptoms are unique to pregnancy. It is also important to note that early pregnancy does not always cause noticeable symptoms.
The best way for a person to find out if they are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.
Pregnancy symptoms are different for every woman. Some women may notice symptoms, such as spotting or a headache, during week 1 of pregnancy. Others may only experience a missed period. Some women will have no symptoms at all.
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Whether a person has symptoms or not, the best way to determine if they are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test