Top 6 things you should do before Age 30

Top 6 things you should do before Age 30
  1. From age 20 to 30 you should have the ability to feed, cloth, and house yourself and at least one other person.
  2. At the age of 20 to 30 you should have the ability to drive a car (the car must not be your own but please for your good learn how to drive a car).
  3. From age 20 to 30 you should have the ability to read and study at least 20 to 30 different books on finances, businesses, innovations, technologies, leadership, relationships & marriages, & religious books.

Am not talking about academic works here even though they are important. Take Note!

  1. From age 20 to 30 you should have the ability to have at least two (2) different lucrative skills (handwork), and digitization and globalization are not exclusive.
  2. At age 20 to 30 you should have the ability to use the internet and the various web 3.0 technologies very well and comfortably and to be harnessed for your own good & positivity only.
  3. From age 20 to 30 you should have the ability to invest more in yourself, personal development and growth are paramount. Take this more seriously.

Because tomorrow you may regret it badly if you read my story on my Facebook wall a few days ago about an old man who can’t perform in bed again because of old age, you will understand this number 6 very well.

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Don’t waste your time on social media chatting for nothing if the chats are not about changing and developing yourselves on the aforementioned things you should do at age 20 to 30.

Don’t see this post as a challenge but see it as an educative piece to work on yourself and you will appreciate yourself later on. See this post as a course of study in the UNIVERSITY and improve yourself.

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