How to Waltz Dance

How to Waltz Dance

Have you always wanted to dance, but have been hesitant to try? Dancing is a beautiful expression of self. Don’t wait any longer and get started today!

How to Waltz Dance

When learning to dance for the first time. Waltz Dance is a popular option for beginner dancers. The music is at a slower tempo and it is a nice easy dance to learn when you are just starting out.

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Timing: Waltz is 3/4 timing and is counted 1, 2, 3.

Characteristic: Waltz is a fun, elegant dance that flows around the dance floor. One of the main characteristics of this dance is the Rise and Fall.

Basic Steps of Waltz Dance

Waltz Box

The first waltz step you should learn is the Waltz Box.

Leader’s Footwork:

  • Front Half of Box Step: Left foot forward, Right foot to the side, and then close the left foot to the right foot and change weight.
  • Back Half of Box Step: Right foot back, Left foot to the side, and then close the right foot to the left and change weight.

Follower’s Footwork:

  • Back Half of Box Step: Right foot back, Left foot to the side, and then close the right foot to the left and change weight.
  • Front Half of Box Step: Left foot forward, Right foot to the side, and then close the left foot to the right foot and change weight.

Check out the video below to learn how to dance the waltz box.

How To Waltz Dance For Beginners - Waltz Box Step
Waltz Dance Change Step

The next step to learn in Waltz is the change step. For a new dancer, this is an important step because it helps you move around the room.

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Leader’s Footwork:

  • Forward Change step Left foot lead: Left foot forward, Right foot to the side, and then close the left foot to the right foot and change weight.
  • Forward Change step Right foot lead: Right foot forward, Left foot to the side, and then close the right foot to the left and change weight.

Follower’s Footwork:

  • Backwards Change step with Right foot lead: Right foot back, Left foot to the side, and then close the right foot to the left and change weight.
  • Backwards Change step with Left foot lead: Left foot backward, Right foot to the side and then close the left foot to the right foot and change weight.

Check out the video below to learn how to dance the change step in the waltz.

Waltz - Change Step - Virtual Ballroom Lessons
Waltz Dance Underarm Turn

So far we have discussed the basic waltz box and then I gave you the change step which helps you move around the floor. The next step to learn is an underarm turn for the follower.

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Leader’s Footwork:

  • Basic Box (count 1-2-3, 1-2-3)
  • Front Half of Box Step: Left foot forward, Right foot to the side, and then close the left foot to the right foot and change weight. (count 1-2-3)
  • Back Half of Box Step while raising Left hand for underarm turn: Right foot back (as you take the step back raise your left arm), Left foot to the side, and then close the right foot to the left and change weight. (count 1-2-3)
  • Front Half of Box Step: (count 1-2-3)
  • Back Half of Box Step: Right foot back (invite the follower back into closed position), Left foot to the side, and then close the right foot to the left and change weight. (count 1-2-3)

Note: After the follower does the underarm turn resume the closed position.

Follower’s Footwork:

  • Basic Box (count 1-2-3, 1-2-3)
  • Back Half of Box Step: Right foot back, Left foot to the side, and then close the right foot to the left and change weight. (count 1-2-3)
  • Underarm turn right: Left foot forward (leader will raise the follower’s right hand – make sure you continue to make your step straight at the leader), Right foot forward beginning to walk under the right hand, Left foot forward, Right foot forward, Left foot forward, Right foot forward – each step will continue to walk around for the underarm turn. (count 1-2-3, 1-2-3)
  • Front Half of Box Step: Left foot forward – joining back together with the leader, Right foot to the side, and then close the left foot to the right and change weight. (count 1-2-3)

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Check out the video below to learn how to dance the underarm turn in Waltz Dance.

How to Do a Waltz Ladies Underarm Turn | Ballroom Dance

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