20 signs your Ex-girlfriend is not over you yet

20 signs your Ex-girlfriend is not over you yet

The best feeling in this world is when you are in love with someone. However, trouble always finds its way into relationships, and the two people who were in love end up parting ways. Most guys try to get their ex-girlfriend back after a relationship is over. Some may succeed, but others fail.

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The important thing for you to find out is if your ex still has an interest in you. You need to look for signs that show you your ex still wants you. Noticing these signs is important especially when you want to revive a relationship that was over.

20 signs your Ex-girlfriend is not over you yet

The signs will give you hope and encourage you to pursue your ex-girlfriend. However, if you are not interested in getting back with her, these signs will help you avoid her. The signs can sometimes make you confused since you do not know what they mean. These twenty signs will help you to know that your ex-girlfriend is not completely over you.

  1. Your Ex Keeps in Touch

An important rule when a relationship is over is that there should be no contact. One of the main signs that your ex is not over you is when she stays in touch. If your ex-girlfriend is constantly contacting you after a breakup, chances are she has an interest in you despite having other options.

When she constantly texts, calls, or emails you, it is a sign that she is hoping to rekindle your relationship. There are times she will call you asking for advice. She just wants to stay in touch with you because if that were not the case, she would have asked someone else for advice.

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  1. She Wants To See You

One sign that your ex is not over you is when she asks you to meet up. Meeting up after a breakup can be awkward and strange. When you find that an ex-girlfriend wants to see you after the breakup, there is a reason behind it.

It is obvious that contacting you is not enough for her. She wants to meet you so that she can give you other signs that she is not over you. Some of the signs can include flirting using her eyes, constantly touching you, and coming close to you. These are signs that she wants you to notice and acknowledge that she is not over you and wants you back. If you are still interested, this should be a go-ahead for you.

  1. Her Attitude Suddenly Changes

An ex will become distant and cold when you break up. She will pretend she is busy, refuse to have any contact with you, and use one word to answer you. These are signs that she is not interested in you.

However, when she does the opposite after a breakup, it will make you confused. It is a sign that she is gaining interest in you again. Something in her life must have changed her view of you. She wants you to know that she is not over you and wants you back in her life.

  1. Your Ex-Girlfriend Hints About Dating Again

Whenever your ex-girlfriend wants to get back together, she will hint at it to see your reaction. This is her way of letting you know that she is not over you. She can even joke and say that it would be great if you got back together. She is giving you a sign, and she hopes that you will reciprocate by getting back together.

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  1. She Asks About Your Love Life

When your ex starts asking about your love life, it is a sign that she is not over you. She still harbors feelings for you, which she hides very well. She does not want you to date someone else since she wants you all to herself. There is a high probability that she does not want you back immediately but has not yet gotten over you.

  1. She Makes Signs of Awkward Eye Contact

There are times when you feel like she still looks at you the same way she did when you were dating. You know that she has not changed her view of you. When your ex looks at you, she has a twinkle in her eyes.

If you find that you cannot look at her without feeling awkward, then it is highly probable that she still has feelings for you. When your ex also smiles at every ridiculous thing you do, then this is a sure sign that she is not over you.

  1. She Talks About You

When you find out from people close to you that your ex has been talking about you, you become intrigued to know what she has been saying. When you learn that all she has said are just good things, you feel relieved.

Well, do not relax yet because this is a sign that she is not yet over you. You also learn that she has been posting love phrases on social media regarding you. This might make you feel confused, as you do not know her intentions. She is probably just giving you a clue that she still has feelings for you.

  1. She Asks About You

If you have the same friends with your ex and they are tired of hearing your name, it means your ex-girlfriend is talking about you. This is a sign that she is not over you. She may ask what you have been doing or how you are fairing.

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If she has heard about one of your achievements, she might ask your friends about it. She still has interest in your life and is not afraid of showing it. This can make you tired if you have no interest in her. Just know that is how relationships are most of the time.

  1. She Still Has Your Gifts

You might find it awkward when you meet with her and see that she stills wears the necklace you gave her or one of your t-shirts that she loved. You might think that she is doing this because they were great gifts but that is not the case. She still has your gifts because they remind her of you. This is a sign that she is not over you and still has feelings for you.

  1. She Drunks-Dials You

Booze gives people courage to do what they would not do when sober. When she calls you every time she is drunk and tells you how much she misses you, then this is a sign that she is not over you. She can even text you to let you know that she still has feelings for you. If you do not intend to get back with her, just tell her. Do not keep quiet or your silence will make her confused and think you want her back.

  1. You Have a Gut Feeling Your Ex Is Not Over You

A gut feeling can sometimes be misleading, and at times, it may be right. If you know her very well, then your gut feeling will never fail you. You might feel like your ex is still not over you and you could be right. Just take some time to see if she will send a sign your way, then you will be sure.

  1. She Gets Bursts of Anger

Has your ex ever been angry when you flirt with someone else who is interested in you? If the answer is yes, then she still has feelings for you. When she gets mad and at times snaps at you when you talk to another woman, it is a sign that she is not over you.

  1. She Often Bumps Into You

If you bump into your ex on very rare occasions, it is likely that it is a coincidence. However, when you find that you are constantly meeting with your ex, then she is doing it on purpose. She could find out from one of your friends where you are and show up. This is a sign that she is not over you and is trying to get back into your life.

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  1. She Is At Your Beck And Call

Isn’t it weird that your ex is at your disposal every time you call her? This is a sign that she is not over you. If she were over you, she would not be available every time you want her assistance. Your ex will always be available since she wants to win your heart back.

  1. She Always Misses You

One of the obvious signs that your ex is not over you is when she confesses that she misses you. If she wants you back, she will make sure you know that she misses the time you spent together and wants you two to date again.

  1. She Stalks You

When your ex starts following your every move and shows up in unexpected places, you need to be scared since she is stalking you. Stalking is a sign that your ex is not over you. She can even stalk you through social media and even create fake accounts when you block her.

  1. She Avoids Dating Other People

When you find out that your ex is avoiding advances from other men, it is a sign that she is not over you. She secretly hopes that you will change your mind and get back together with her.

  1. Her Beau Looks Like You

Does your ex-girlfriend’s new guy look exactly like you? This is a sign that she is not over you. Your ex is in a rebound relationship with your doppelganger since she still has feelings for you and is trying to get through them or hopes to re-kindle what you had with her new guy.

  1. She Tries To Make You Jealous

Your ex can try to make you jealous by dating other people and making sure, you are aware. This is a sign she is not over you and wants you to become jealous to the point of getting her back into your life.

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  1. She Still Talks to Your Family

It is very awkward when your ex is still talking to your family. You made it clear that it is over between you two but she attempts to reach out to your family. This is a sign that she still has feelings for you and hopes you get the clue. After a breakup, it is a common rule to stay away from each other.

Staying away from your ex can help you avoid awkward moments. Make sure your ex knows you are totally over her and your life will be much easier. Unless you still have feelings for her like she does, then stop wasting time and get back together. Life is too short to waste it, so take a leap of faith, and live to the fullest.

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